Offering Expertly Manufactured Single-Hung Windows to Minneapolis, MN, Homeowners

Single-Hung Windows Minneapolis MNRegardless of your Minneapolis, Minnesota, home’s style, single-hung windows can be an excellent investment—both for the aesthetic boost they provide and for the functionality they offer. Because of their fixed upper sash, they aren’t as prone to air infiltration as other window styles, but the movable bottom sash still allows for you to let in fresh air from time to time. Not to mention, the fact that only one of the sashes opens helps keep your home more secure.

If you’re looking to invest in single-hung windows for your home, there’s no better source than Lindsay Window & Door. We have been manufacturing windows since 1947 and have constantly kept up with the latest innovations to ensure that we provide top-tier options for the homeowners we serve.

Single-Hung Windows Available in a Wide Variety of Product Lines

Lindsay Window & Door offers single-hung windows in a variety of product lines as a result of our commitment to providing our customers with products that suit their needs and personal tastes. You can find our single-hung replacements in the following lines:

Energy-Efficient Single-Hung Windows Help You Survive the Climate

As a resident of Minneapolis, you know the importance of energy efficiency. So do we, as we always aim to craft our products with the needs of our customers at the forefront of our minds. That’s why we manufacture our single-hung windows with triple-pane glass, low-E coatings, argon gas fills, warm-edge spacer systems, and triple weatherstripping. With such features, your windows will reduce heat transfer, helping your HVAC system more easily keep the indoors warm during the winter and cool during the summer. As a result, you can even save on monthly energy bills.

If you’re ready to invest in our single-hung windows for your Minneapolis, MN, home, contact Lindsay Window & Door today.