Add Unique Beauty to Your St. Paul, MN, Home By Investing in New Awning Windows

Awning Windows St. Paul MNDo you find your home’s windows boring? Perhaps you’ve had the same style of windows for far too long and there’s simply nothing interesting about them anymore. If you’re thinking about investing in replacements for your St. Paul, Minnesota, home, why not think outside the box a little bit and choose awning windows from Lindsay Window & Door? It’s not that there’s anything wrong with classic styles such as single- and double-hung windows, but awning windows offer something visually different and can be a strong aesthetic component of your home. Not to mention, when the windows are manufactured as exceptionally as ours are, they’ll offer plenty of performance benefits on top of their aesthetic ones.

What Makes Awning Windows So Unique?

Simply based on their design, awning windows offer something a bit different to a home than your standard window styles do. Hinged at the top so that they open outward from the bottom to create the appearance of an awning, these windows have a touch of elegance about them that works well for any type of home. Not to mention, when you look to Lindsay Window & Door for your new windows, you can choose from a variety of unique product lines, including:

Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency When You Invest in Our Awning Windows

Like we do with all of our replacement windows, we craft our awning windows with your home’s energy efficiency needs in mind. That means using double- or triple-pane glass, low-E coatings, argon gas fills, warm-edge spacer systems, and triple weatherstripping to limit heat transfer and ensure that your HVAC system can more easily maintain a comfortable indoor temperature throughout the year. When your HVAC is using less energy, that can mean savings on your monthly heating and cooling costs.

To learn more about our outstanding awning windows and how they can benefit your home in St. Paul, MN, contact Lindsay Window & Door today.